Næste arrangement: webinar om The Royal College of Surgeons of England’s arkiver

Torsdag d. 25. november 2021, kl. 15.00
Microsoft Teams

The Royal College of Surgeons of England is an independent professional body and registered charity that regulates surgery and dentistry in England and Wales. Since its foundation in 1800, the College has played a major role in the teaching and examination of surgeons.

It also hosts the Hunterian Museum of anatomical and pathological specimens.  
RCS Archives holds the College’s own records, the records of the Hunterian Museum, and collected material relating to advances in surgery and Fellows of the College.  

Victoria Rea (Archives Manager) will talk about why and how the RCS England archive collections have developed since 1800 and the current legal framework for managing both private and public records.
She will discuss the legal and ethical issues around the sensitive medical records in the collection and how the College makes them available for research.  

Saffron Mackay (Assistant Archivist) will talk about the users of RCS Archives. Who are they and what are their research interests? Saffron will highlight the surprising range of subjects that are covered in the RCS collections, beyond surgery.
She will also outline how the College plans to increase use of its archive collections in the digital age.  

Read an introduction to RCS Archives’ collections here .

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Næste arrangement: Generalforsamling med rundvisning

– i Rigsarkivets nyindrettede lokaler på Kalvebod Brygge 34

Tirsdag  den 26. oktober 2021 kl. kl. 17-20
Rigsarkivet, Kalvebod Brygge 34

Efter vores online-møder i foråret er situationen som bekendt den, at vi igen kan afholde fysiske arrangementer.

I bestyrelsen har vi derfor planlagt vores første post-coronale arrangement, som bliver en rundvisning i Rigsarkivets nyindrettede lokaler.

Efter mange år på Slotsholmen er hele Rigsarkivet flyttet til Kalvebod Brygge, og tirsdag den 26. oktober kl. 17 vil Jan Pedersen fra Rigsarkivet fortælle om flytningen og vise rundt i magasiner og lokaler.

Efterfølgende vil der være spisning.

Der indkaldes desuden til Arkivforeningens generalforsamling samme dag tirsdag den 26. oktober kl. 19 i Rigsarkivets lokaler på på Kalvebod Brygge 34.

Dagsorden for generalforsamlingen

  1. Valg af dirigent og referent
  2. Formandens beretning
  3. Regnskab
  4. Budget samt fastsættelse af kontingent
  5. Indkomne forslag
  6. Valg til bestyrelsen
  7. Valg af revisor og revisorsuppleant
  8. Eventuelt

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